Stroke is a medical emergency condition that is caused by an interruption of blood flow to any part of the brain, causing damage to the brain cells. It is caused by rupture or bleeding of a blood vessel in the brain. The aftermath of a stroke largely depends on the part of the brain affected and how much damage is done.

What are The Types of Stroke?

There are different types of stroke. They include:

1. Hemorrhagic Stroke

This is the result of a brain artery breaking open. The break causes an interruption in blood flow, causing damage to brain cells. Increased blood pressure over a prolonged period weakens the arteries and can cause hemorrhagic stroke.

2. Ischemic Stroke

This occurs because of a clot or occlusion in a blood vessel in the brain. The clot may arise from any body part and flow to the brain.

3. Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)

This type of stroke is caused by a tiny clot that blocks an artery for a short while. It is also known as a mini- or warning stroke. Symptoms for this type of stroke usually last for a few minutes to less than an hour. TIA is a crucial warning of a more dangerous stroke that will soon happen, so it is regarded as a medical emergency and 9-1-1 worthy.

How Does Strokes Affect the Human Body?

The severity of the effect of a stroke depends on;

  • The kind of stroke
  • The lobes and side of the brain affected by the stroke
  • The size of the damage
  • The body functions that the affected area controls
  • The time spent to get help
  • The time spent without blood flow to the affected area of the brain.