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How to Manage your Medication

In treating stroke it is crucial to have a good grip on your medication and follow it to the letter.
Filling up Your Prescription
There are a few tips to ensure you don’t miss your doses:

 Fill up your prescriptions as soon as you receive them from the pharmacy. The hospital can even send your prescription to the pharmacy, allowing you to pick up your meds on your way home.
Purchase your drugs from one pharmacy so that your pharmacist can be familiar with your medications.
Get your refills at least three days earlier so that you don’t run out before you get them…


Sadness is different from depression. Sadness is usually intermittent in that it comes and goes. It is perfectly normal to feel sad or lost after suffering a stroke. Sadness that does not leave may indicate depression.
Most stroke survivors and their loved ones may slip into clinical depression. It is vital to know the signs for easy recognition and to get qualified help. Depression can impede your recovery, and fortunately, there are treatment options.
Physical signs of depression;

Subtle or exaggerated changes in sleep pattern (insomnia or oversleeping)
Changes in eating pattern
Weight gain or…

Signs of a Stroke

As aforementioned, stroke is a medical emergency and requires immediate medical attention. Some of the signs of stroke can be recognized by what is known as F.A.S.T.
The fast acronym embodies the most common signs of a stroke

Is your Face drooping?
Can you lift both Arms?
Is your Speech jumbled or slurred?
Then it is Time to call 9-1-1 immediately.

If you exhibit one or more of these signs, then you …

Working Out After Stroke

Working out is not only a great way to get back into shape and keep fit but also a good way to maintain your health through rehabilitation. Exercise can help you stay fit and much healthier – in all ramifications – to minimize the chances of a stroke recurrence.
It can also help enhance your quality of living, even from the comfort of your personal space. But stroke is a tad complex and requires personalized exercises to ensure safety – a physiotherapist may be advisable.
Tips for a Successful Exercise After a Stroke

Inform your stroke team that you are ready to work out before you begin any …